Thursday, September 29, 2005

AIT #22: April 23, 2003

Here's the update on moves: only Elder Segsan is moving. We thought Elder Bevell would move (he's been here for six months), but we're both staying. Elder Segsan is moving somewhere in Bangkok. I'm veeeeeeeeeeeery glad I'm not moving. :) P-lok is the best area in the mission, hands down.

The work's going fairly well. Sak was going to get baptized last Saturday, but on Sunday he wrote us a note saying that he's not ready and isn't going to study with us further. That hurt. We're not going to give up on him, though. Root's getting baptized on May 4th. We're pretty sure that will go through; we've already talked with him about any obstacles that may get in the way, and everything's clear. Nobody else is close to baptism, though, since hardly anyone has been coming to church lately. Don and his girlfriend came on Sunday but didn't come inside because they thought they weren't dressed appropriately enough.

Songkran ended completely by Tuesday night -- there wasn't anything at all on Wednesday. Life is back to normal. :) Elder Segsan took the Thai hymnbook and children's songbook to a copy place and shrunk them down to pocket size, like the pocket-size English hymnbook. Very handy. There are a lot more naampan places here than there were in Bangkapi, I've noticed, and most of them are pretty good.

Half my shirts are 65% polyester/35% cotton, the other half 60% cotton/40% polyester. The 65/35 are nice and easy to iron, but the 60/40 feel kind of heavier and are hard to iron. If I were to do this all over again, I would buy most of my clothes here in Thailand, since they're a lot cheaper here, and they're made for this kind of weather.

Hmm, I don't really have a lot to say today. Everything's going well. I've been a little sick since last Tuesday, but nothing major (stuffy nose and a slight cough). We finished making our outlines a few weeks ago (the fifth and sixth discussions are exactly the same as in the discussions, but the others are modified). Thais really love to look at pictures (I usually show members and investigators my family pictures as part of getting acquainted).

The 2000 stripling warriors in the Book of Mormon "did obey and observe to perform every word of command with exactness; yea, and even according to their faith it was done unto them..." (Alma 57:21) 100% obedience is possible, and it's what the Lord expects of us. We don't obey the Lord because we're slaves at the grindstone, but we should obey Him because we love Him, because He first loved us. One other thing: Harold B. Lee said that the commandment that is most important for us in any given moment is the one we're having the most trouble keeping right then.

Okay, out of time. Keep up the good work, stay strong in the faith, read your scriptures and pray every day so that you may be anchored to Christ and will never fall prey to the adversary.


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